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Wed, Dec 06, 17.

Genesis 1-3 Review Q&A (Part 01)

This is to help you test yourself. (You may use your Bible if you have to)

  1. Genesis 1 and 2 show us how God created the elements?
  2. Genesis 1 and 2 show us God’s power over nature and the elements?
  3. Why did God create light first?
    1. To be able to see what he is doing?
    2. To create the time cycle of night and day?
  4. There are three things God set out to address through creation [Gen 1:2]?
  5. Was man everything God intended for him to be when he was created as recorded in Genesis 1 and 2?
  6. According to Gen 1, why was man created, what was he created to do or be?
  7. According to Gen 2, why was man created, what was he created to do or be?
  8. What days creation does the creation account in Gen 1 not particularly tell us that God saw that it was good?
  9. How many days did creation take?
  10. Did God create more than one man in the beginning?
  11. Did God create more than one woman in the beginning?
  12. When did the animals enter the Garden of Eden?
  13. Why were the animals brought to man?
  14. How was Adam able to name the birds and fish—he saw them in a vision or he had supernatural abilities and could fly and breathe in water?
  15. Did Adam have the Holy Spirit or not?
  16. Who was the Garden of Eden planted for?
  17. North, East, West, or South? In what direction was Adam and Eve driven away from the Garden of Eden?
  18. To whom did God call when he entered the garden?
  19. Was the earth cursed because of the serpent?
  20. On whose account did God curse the earth?
  21. On what conditions can the curse upon the earth be reversed?
  22. How broken was man’s relationship with God after the transgression of Adam and Eve?
  23. Who is Adam’s first child?
  24. What is the name of Adam’s sister?
  25. Was it just God that was present at the creation?
  26. What was the condition to having eternal life in the beginning?
  27. True or false, plants did not need water to grow in the beginning?
  28. Who deceived the woman?
  29. If Adam and Eve had not transgressed in the Garden, nobody would ever have sinned?
  30. Did God’s plan from the very start include glorifying man?